Cupping Notes
Colombia Willian Sancho is a wonderfully delicious cup of coffee.
Strong notes of raw, wild honey lead the cup from the get-go. A sweet note like honey is one that can be elusive in the world of coffee. However, this is the strongest example of it that we have found. It is refreshing and unique.
In addition to the pure sweetness of the honey, you will also find a juicy, sweet, acidic, and crisp apple flavor. We think it is best represented specifically as a fuji apple. We almost went with a pear note here, but ultimately the slight acidity led to more to the apple side of things. This juicy fuji apple flavor only adds to the refreshing quality of Colombia Willian Sancho.
As native Texans, we have fond memories of pecan pralines. They are a staple at just about any cash register of a Mexican restaurant back in Texas. Finish your meal, grab a homemade praline on the way out. It’s tradition in a lot of towns. Willian Sancho’s coffee reminds of us that nostalgic experience. The buttery pecan sensation adds just enough nuttiness to really round this coffee out with a touch of savory.