Dark Skies


Roast: Dark
Region: Brazil, Guatemala
Farm: Various producers in Minas Gerais (Brazil), Fénix (Guatemala)
Process: Natural (Brazil), Washed (Guatemala)
Variety: Blend
Cup: Campfire S’more, Caramel, Roasted Peanut

coffee cupping

Cupping Notes

Dark Skies is a blend representative of Westcliffe.

Westcliffe, Colorado is nestled in a county of fewer than 5000 people. These few are spread throughout a small mountain valley at an elevation of about 8000 ft above sea level.

This, in turn, means very little light pollution. In fact, Westcliffe and Silver Cliff became the first designated "International Dark Sky" Communities in 2015. This distinction is one given to communities recognized for excellent stargazing and low light pollution. We can actually see the Milky Way on many nights.

For the coffee nerds, Dark Skies is the only blend Peregrine takes into "second crack".

That being said, it is our standalone dark roast. . . although, you may find our definition of "dark" isn't the other guy's defintion of "dark". We don't burn our coffee at Peregrine. We have taken great care to toe the line between roasty flavors and coffee beginning to taste burnt.

Even though roasting these days has steadily gravitated away from second crack (for good reason, in my opinion), I still wanted to offer something to the customer who doesn’t quite appreciate lighter roasts yet. You could call this a good transition coffee, because it will still taste like coffee, but you will also be able to recognize its quality immediately.

Currently, Dark Skies is a blend of coffees from Brazil and Guatemala, so it will be lower in acidity as well. This coffee favors those roasty notes that many people will desire in their morning coffee.

Presenting strongly with chocolate, a hint of smokiness, and nuts, this coffee is awesome paired with milk or enjoyed black.

If you’re not ready to jump into the wild and fruity side of coffees, or you just love dark roast, dive into a bag of Dark Skies!