Cupping Notes
We originally picked up this coffee as an espresso component from Coffee Shrub. While it wasn't quite the component we were looking for in our espresso, we had the wild idea of blending it with a washed Ethiopian. Our first roast of this blend got our noses excited. Then we tasted it. Wow! This is a step above average blends and has even set a new bar for our in-house blending. The grounds have an intense fragrance that smells creamy and sweet, and while cupping, the break intensified in the aroma. This is when I really got excited. The flavors meld together in this coffee creating a sort of pecan, pralines, and cream flavor which is like drinking a black cup of ice cream. 'Nuff said. We will try and keep this blend around through the winter as a reliable go-to that reminds you of our mountain range here in Westcliffe. Enjoy!
Snowy Peaks
Roast: Medium
Region: Guatemala Xinabajul; Ethiopia Sidamo
Farm: Finca Rosma; Demeka Becha
Process: Washed
Elevation: 2,200m
Variety: Bourbon; Heirloom
Cup: Pecan, Praline, Marshmallow

Farming Notes
Here’s what Coffee Shrub says about this coffee and farm: The seven coffees that make up this lot are from are mostly from San Pedro Necta, as well as one lot each from nearby Santa Barbara and Cuilco. San Pedro Necta reaches astonishing altitudes, where coffee grows as high as 2100 meters above sea level. Most of the coffees planted in the area are Bourbon, Caturra, CatuaĆ, and Typica. The coffee comes to us through a joint effort with an intermediary in Huehue town, who also has a family farm in San Pedro Necta, Finca Rosma.
The Demeka Becha site is owned by Ayele Tulu, a Sidama man who is deeply integrated into the local area of Bona Zuria, where he has a few sites. His son Tsegab Ayeleāwho speaks fluent English and eagerly involved with coffee culture globally through social media, is his right-hand man and manages the project. Tsegabās younger brother Abinet (still in college but clearly en route to joining the family business) is responsible for photography and making sure that his dad has a chair and is comfortable. This family manages the mill (washing station) that is Demeka Becha, and through their partnership with Catalyst, we have come to this inheritance of incredible flavor this year and hopefully for many years to come.